California Trip Report: A Pit Stop at Oh Be Joyful
This summer I decided to take a little hiatus from the Southeast and head West for a month of steep California creeking. Gareth and I left Asheville May 23rd with the intention of getting to California as soon as possible in order to begin checking off the many rivers we hoped to get on our trip. But after a long, hot, miserable ride through Kansas we decided to make a quick pit stop in Crested Butte, Colorado to run one of Colorado's most infamous creeks, Oh Be Joyful. The water level was on the high side of medium and the slides were even steeper than I had imagined.
After a night out in Crested Butte we made one more stop on our way to Cali in the sin city of Las Vegas. With a 20 dollar hotel room and 50 dollars lost at the black jack tables, we were satisfied with our Vegas experience and guickly got out of there first thing in the morning headed staright to our first California creek- Dinkey Creek.
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