Anne and I posing with Colonel Sanders in San Jose
Last night officially ended our first trip here in Costa Rica and today started week numero dos. Last week was fairly exciting filled with quality class 4 whitewater, a few swims (not by me of course), one long boat rescue on a flooded river and some other interesting adventures. I would elaborate more if I wasn't extremely exhausted and ready for bed. We paddled five different rivers throughout the week of paddling, including the Balsa, Torro, Sarapiqui, Picuare and Pejibaye. Along the way we were also given the opportunity to check out some cool wildlife, some of which you’ll see in the pictures below.
Our ride for the week
Michelle running unnamed rapid on the Rio Torro
Jason firing up Lower Huacus rapid on the Rio Picuare
A coati hanging out at the Selva Verde lodge
A sloth seen hanging from a tree on the way to the river
One of many poisonous dart frogs seen in Costa Rica
Last night we all went out to the discoteca again with the ERA boys, but didn’t last very long as we were all tired from the long week. This morning we woke up and took a moment to enjoy the little free time that we have here. After exploring the markets of San Jose a bit, we did our grocery shopping for the week. Anne and I decided to treat ourselves to Costa Rican manicures and pedicures, which were done slightly different than in the states, but were very enjoyable nonetheless. Our guests for this next week’s trip arrived this afternoon and so the cycle begins again.
Its late here and I need some sleep, so its time for bed. There is not much internet access in the hotels we're staying at and the days are long so by the time we get to our room each night I am ready for bed, so don't expect too much blogging over the next few weeks. I’ll post when I can.