Saturday, November 24, 2007

One down, four to go

Anne and I posing with Colonel Sanders in San Jose

Last night officially ended our first trip here in Costa Rica and today started week numero dos. Last week was fairly exciting filled with quality class 4 whitewater, a few swims (not by me of course), one long boat rescue on a flooded river and some other interesting adventures. I would elaborate more if I wasn't extremely exhausted and ready for bed. We paddled five different rivers throughout the week of paddling, including the Balsa, Torro, Sarapiqui, Picuare and Pejibaye. Along the way we were also given the opportunity to check out some cool wildlife, some of which you’ll see in the pictures below.

Our ride for the week

Michelle running unnamed rapid on the Rio Torro

Jason firing up Lower Huacus rapid on the Rio Picuare

A coati hanging out at the Selva Verde lodge

A sloth seen hanging from a tree on the way to the river

One of many poisonous dart frogs seen in Costa Rica

Last night we all went out to the discoteca again with the ERA boys, but didn’t last very long as we were all tired from the long week. This morning we woke up and took a moment to enjoy the little free time that we have here. After exploring the markets of San Jose a bit, we did our grocery shopping for the week. Anne and I decided to treat ourselves to Costa Rican manicures and pedicures, which were done slightly different than in the states, but were very enjoyable nonetheless. Our guests for this next week’s trip arrived this afternoon and so the cycle begins again.

Its late here and I need some sleep, so its time for bed. There is not much internet access in the hotels we're staying at and the days are long so by the time we get to our room each night I am ready for bed, so don't expect too much blogging over the next few weeks. I’ll post when I can.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Pura Vida!

Well I have been in Costa Rica now for about 24 hours and I am loving it thus far. It feels so good to be back in a beautiful Latin American country speaking spanish. I literally couldn't stop smiling after I got off the place and took a look around.

Due to a plane malfunction leading to a 3 hours delay and a taxi driver that got lost trying to find my hotel, I didn't actually arrive to my room until close to 5pm (I was suppose to get in at noon). Jason and Anne were there waiting for me and after a little relaxing (and a few tequila shots) we all headed out to dinner. Afterwards we wandered over to another hotel where some friends working for Endless River Adventures (another company from the Nantahala that runs trips in Costa Rica) were staying. We all went out to a bar/club and ended up dancing the night away. It was great fun.

Woke up this morning to start my first official day of work. In order to prepare for next week's trip, we had to do some grocery shopping and as well as pull all of the boats out of storage, clean them, repair them and get them in all around good shape for the guests. The guests arrived this afternoon and in the next hour we will meet them all and get prepared to leave San Jose in the morning. Throughout the next week we will traveling around Costa Rica and getting on some of its best class 4 rivers.

I'll post again when I get the chance and have something worthwhile to say, could be a week or so....

The Final Hours...

Well its just about 1am and I am finally feeling ready to go, which is good since my flight to Costa Rica is scheduled to take off in less than 5 hours. Last month was extremely hectic, leaving me exhausted and feeling somewhat ill-prepared to leave. In the last two weeks I have had four wisdom teeth removed, a cavity filled, spent a week in Oregon checking out graduate school and retaken the GRE's. That said, I am very excited that the first phase of my trip is finally here and I cannot wait to get out of here!

Tomorrow I am flying into San Jose and really have no idea what to expect. Anne and Jason (the other NOC instructors working in Costa Rica) have been down there for a week already and are scouting out new rivers for us to paddle. I have heard some beta from their trip and apparently there has been a lot of rain and the rivers are flooded, which could make next week's trip an exciting one! It will definitely be a welcomed change from the low levels I experienced in the drought stricken southeast this summer. Our guests for the trip next week don't officially arrive until Saturday, making tomorrow probably the only day off I'll have during the first 5 weeks of my time in Costa Rica. I plan to enjoy it by exploring the city and hopefully freshening up my spanish skills.

I wish I had more to say, but I am tired and hoping to get a few hours of sleep in before getting up for my flight so I'm off to bed. I will post again upon arrival in Costa Rica. Chau!