Tena Life
We arrived in Tena yesterday afternoon. We got to the hostel to find all of our friends from the states, including Freakystick, Scout, Rob and Jay. On the bus we met a nice woman from Denmark who has been joining us at the hostel. We started the first night in Tena off right by doing a night rafting run on the Juetenyacu River. There was a full moon out and the weather was wonderful. It was a fairly mellow class 3 run, and an awesome time.
This morning we loaded up and headed to the Upper Misahualli River. Twelve gringos and one Ecuadorian all crammed themselves and their boats and gear into one truck and trailer and headed to the river. It was definitely a sight to see driving through the little town. Once at the put-in we all split into groups and headed down the river. It was a wonderful warm up for me, and a nice class 3-4 run.
Tonight starts off the Napo River Festival which should include lots of dancing and a little drinking... Gotta run...

Your trip sounds amazing, and inviting. Wish I was there to enjoy this awesome experience with you and the gang. Tell everyone I say hello. Enjoy the whitewater festival in Tena. I here there is a nice extreme race there. I'll be leaving for Chile in only 10 days now. Nice job with the blog, it is extrememly entertaining.
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